Monday, May 20, 2013

Final prep day

Hola Folks!
Today is my final day of prep before I open up shop tomorrow at Drew!
It should be crazy exciting. I'm actually feeling a bit nervous...what if the students don't like them? Or what if the kitchen becomes really backed up and kids start complaining? What if I run out of bread? What if they all end up burning!! Ahhhh
So today I am working tirelessly to ensure that none of these things happen. I took inventory of all the grocery items/other miscellaneous tools I have and the things I need to get. 

I made a checklist of items that need to be pre-cooked and items that need to be refrigerated (or cooler-ed). 
Today I am picking up tables, a cooler, and extra groceries. I just realized that I have a TON of equipment to bring tomorrow, and the only way to ensure success is to have extreme organization. I need to count everything I have, and keep track of where everything is. I have decided to store things like cheese, the bacon, the mushrooms, in tupperware containers I have at home. Just because the cheese packaging is messy and just not organized. I also need to remember to bring utensils for myself to cook with. This includes spoons of various sizes (for portioning) and knives. Also I will need A LOT of napkins. 

Yesterday, I went to office max to pick up a whiteboard for the menu! I also found a real money box, and a BUNCH of order-taking tickets! wahooo. I wasn't expecting to find all of that. I also set up the tent and everything in my backyard to test out the layout of my tent and supplies. 

Some final details include attaching my homemade "Zobo's Hobo Pies" signs to the tent, possibly finding some skirts for the fold out tables, and getting everything packaged up and neat and ready to go for tomorrow :)

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