Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Naked Chorizo: Hiller Aviation Museum

Today we went all the way to the Hiller Aviation Museum, which is around an hour away in San Carlos. It was me, Zenia, Nika, and Vanessa....a girls day! Zenia scheduled everyone's shift specifically so that we could have a day with just the girls, which was nice. And, not surprisingly, the flow and organization of the truck was a lot nicer and far less stressful than when we have the guys (Rickki and Al) working with us. 

(from left: Vanessa, Nika, and Zenia)
There were a lot of people getting lunch today (we served from 11-2), mostly from large corporate companies from around the area. It was kinda funny watching all these people dressed so corporate casually digging their faces into a greasy noodle dish, oily pork belly tacos, or some super sweet cream puffs. 
It made me realize that I really enjoy serving food to people. It's all that precise care and detail that has to be put into each dish you serve which makes it really stressful and scary, but at the same time oh-so-satisfying once you see them thoroughly enjoying their food, and coming back to ask questions about it as well. 

After lunch Nika, Vanessa and I drove the truck back to the Commissary where we cleaned the truck out and washed dishes. I suppose I proved myself worthy the last time I helped wash dishes, because today they sent me out to do it all on my own. They were trusting me with the cleanliness of their cooking and serving utensils! gah! 
Being the perfectionist I am, I spent a good hour washing the dishes inside. I was trying to move at a rapid pace because I didn't want to come off as the incapable intern, but there were a lot of dishes, and some of them had some pretty gnarly meat rinds stuck to the bottom. But I finally managed to finish them and we headed home. Once again, I'm exhausted from the day's work. Tomorrow morning I have to take my English AP exam, which means I'll miss part of my shift. But I plan on heading straight to San Bruno where the truck will be after I finish my test. It's gonna be another crazy day! 

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