Monday, May 6, 2013

Naked Chorizo: Urban Table FM

It's Monday May 6th. The first official day of senior projects! I woke up this morning and I'm pretty sore from yesterday....which was no surprise.
My week is looking pretty exciting so we're working at Urban Table FM at Caltrain in San Mateo. My shift is going to be from 4:30 to 8:30, and I'm learning how to "close" today, which apparently, is the most difficult part. It's when we have to clean up the truck, take out the trash, get rid of food, take inventory and count money. That should take a little while, so it's gonna be a late night! I'm excited though.

Then, on Tuesday we'll be serving lunch at the Palace of Fine Arts which I can basically walk to. Wednesday we'll be at the Hiller Aviation Museum, which Zenia has told me is one of the most fun locations to work at. She said that places like that are what keep her motivated, because it's a flood of people for at least 2 hours straight! Thursday morning I have my AP English test, but in the afternoon I'll be meeting them in San Bruno. Not sure yet what we have planned for Friday, but it should be equally exciting! 

I've been thinking about extending my internship. A week is so short and I'm having a really good time, so I'm going to ask Zenia if I can help out here and there next week as well. I mean who doesn't want some extra, free help?

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