Sunday, May 19, 2013

Food Tent prep.

Today and tomorrow I will be working on gathering the final materials needed for my tent! On Friday, I was at Drew and I was able to post flyers around the school advertising the business. It's already been pretty effective, as there were many people expressing interest as soon as they saw them posted!
That afternoon I worked at Naked Chorizo again for the night, at a private event in the botanical gardens. It was nice to see my boss again, and she gave me some last minute pointers for the upcoming week.
Today I set up the pop-up tent she lent me in my backyard. It's huge! and perfect! I'm so excited. My parents and I are making a checklist of what we have and what we don't have, and I'm taking today and tomorrow to make sure everything has been checked and secured. I also recruited a few helpers for when I'm working at Drew! I realized that as much as I want this to be a one-man project, it's just going to be a mess if I try to run the Hobo stand alone.
So far, I have a tent, a propane stove, 2 coolers, poster board (for my signs), silverware for cooking, and some food.
I still need to pick up two fold up tables, a money box, a white board for the menu, extra propane, utensils, plates and napkins, and if I can find them, order tickets.

Should be a stressful two days, but once I'm set up and ready to go, Drew school will be plagued with delicious hobo pies!!! (tuesday and wednesday). I'm also thinking about going to Crissy on Thursday....we'll see how Drew goes.

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