Thursday, May 23, 2013

Zobo's Hobos: Final Day

Yesterday (and the day before) proved to be two huge successes!! Both the students and teachers were wildly helpful, enthusiastic and supportive of my project. In total, Zobo's Hobos Pies earned $419!!! I am currently working on figuring out profits, but I know for sure that I spent around $350 on groceries. The twist, though, is that I ended up using probably a third (maybe even less) of the supplies I bought. Which puts me in a tricky situation when trying to figure out how much money I actually made, and how well this would do as a real-life business. I'm guessing my profits for the two days fell somewhere around $75-$100.... (WAY better than anticipated!!!)

long, busy lines!

teaching my recruits how to cook
As I was unpacking the car for our final day, I had a paper grocery bag with cheese and freshly made bacon. I had spent all morning making it! Suddenly, the bag broke and the glass container with bacon shattered all over the sidewalk :( it was disappointing and tragic. Bacon was the magic ingredient! Luckily I still had leftover bacon from Tuesday, but it was no where near as fresh as the bacon that I had just lost in battle. 

Yet, the day carried on swiftly and we made it through with minimal problems. Everyone helped take the tent and tables down at the end of the day, and helped me load the car :) And once again, all the students were gracious and patient while waiting for their food. It just goes to show that Drew is a bubble of wonderful people, and there's no way my services would be accepted in the real world of food trucking madness!! 

Can't wait to start preparing my presentation for tomorrow...I really, really want an all school presentation.

Also, my facebook page now has 45 likes!! 

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