Thursday, May 16, 2013

First draft of business plan:

Zobo’s Hobo Pies
Executive Summary:
The campfire classic "Hobo Pie" is as tasty, quick, and affordable as it sounds! San Francisco based Zobo's Hobo Pies: serving up hot, delicious, melty, crispy, buttery hobo pies in less than 5 minutes!

Products and Services:
Menu will consist of a variation of Hobo Pies. Pizza, Pesto, Breakfast, Dessert (s’mores and chocolate/peanut butter). Typical American Comfort Food shoved between two slices of toasted bread! 
Test run: (for dinner of 6 people, many leftovers)
2 loaves of bread: $5.98 (20 slices of bread/loaf…10 hobo pies/loaf)
1 jar of marinara sauce: $2.19
1 jar of pesto: $3.95
1 pack of bacon: $6.99
1 large carton of eggs (18):  $3.69
1 large pack mozzarella cheese: $7.49
1 large pack cheddar cheese: $7.49
1 pack of feta cheese: $7.49
1 tub lucerin butter: $3.99
1 tub land o lakes ‘fake’ butter: $3.29
1 small thing of basil: $1.99
1 pack of mushrooms: $2.00
1 pack of marshmallows: $1.29
1 bag choco chips: $3.00
1 can apple pie filling: $4.99
TOTAL: $63.98 (w/ safeway club card)

need $500 worth of food/supplies for about two days of business.
Also need to take into account: paper plates, napkins, forks, knives, cooler (w/ ice!!!), propane for stove, stove!

One pie: $5
Add-on (bacon): 50 cents? Or 1 dollah

Competitive Analysis:
Doc’s of the Bay
Five Ten Burger
Go Streatery

Competitive edge:
Pretty unique concept that doesn’t really seem to have been utilized yet.
Quick and easy to eat on the go, also extremely delicious. Kids love it, and its just as easy for adults to love it as well. There’s something for everyone.

Marketing and Sales:
-Facebook (already at 34 likes!!) –use to promote new dishes, post photos and schedule.
-Twitter—same as facebook, but briefer.  Still building audience
-Word of mouth
-Drew school—will promote to students. Sell at drew, where students are looking for good and cheap food.
-Go to crissy field…lots of runners, bikers tourists, and a good open space for me to set up at. Low chance (I hope) of me getting busted for not having a sellers, business, or health and safety permit. Hey, at least I have a food handlers license!

Management: one man job!

-Sole-ownership means A LOT of work. No employees!! 

Future development:
-Cart, or truck?!
-Expand menu, include more gourmet options (focaccia, brie and pear, pb and j, more spices)
-More locations!!!
-Off the grid!?!
-Expand to LA and beyond
-Hire more employees

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